miércoles, 6 de marzo de 2013

Game Simon Says

The game is that the teacher will make a gesture, such as slapping and children should imitate. Then, make another gesture as touching your nose. That is when children have to imitate the first gesture, slapping, and the second, touching the nose.
Will be phased out to children as they are mistaken until only one remains.

If your happy and you know it

Let's get in a circle and sing a song. You have to use the body and have a great time.


If you´re happy, and you know it,
Clap your hands. (Clap! Clap!) Bis

If you´re happy, and you know it,
Then, your face will surely show it.

If you´re happy, and you know it,
Clap your hands. (Clap! Clap!)

If you´re happy, and you know it,
Stomp your feet. (Stomp! Stomp!)bis

If you´re happy, and you know it,
Then, your face will surely show it.

If you´re happy, and you know it,
Stomp your feet. (Stomp! Stomp!)

If you´re happy, and you know it,
Shout ¨Hurray! ¨ (Hurray!) BIS

If you´re happy, and you know it,
Then, your face will surely show it.

If you´re happy, and you know it,
Shout ¨Hurray! ¨ (Hurray!)

If you´re happy, and you know it,
Do all three. (Clap! Clap! Stomp! Stomp! Hurray!) BIS

If you´re happy, and you know it,
Then, your face will surely show it.

If you´re happy, and you know it,
Do all three. (Clap! Clap! Stomp! Stomp! Hurray!)


Parts of house.

- Do you know how your house inside?
- You know how it is called the place to eat? or the place where you sleep?
Let's all learn the parts of the house with photos and a fun song.


          DINNING ROOM 



      (NOT CHICKEN!!)

                    LIVING ROOM


Parts of house

At last we arrived Christmas.

Christmas has arrived and we have to celebrate game and songs.






Primero nos sentaremos en circulo.
A cada uno se le repartirá una carta que no deberán enseñar a nadie.
A quien le haya tocado un reno con la nariz roja ese es Rudolph. Rudolph deberá convertir a los demás renos con nariz marrón en renos con nariz roja.
Les convertirá guiñándoles un ojo,y podrá hacer tres cómplices para que ellos también puedan convertir a los demás renos. Hará cómplices  sacándoles la lengua. Pero cuidado, como intentes convertir a Papa Noel él te detendrá, porque Papa Noel debe adivinar quien es Rudolph.
Al reno que convierta deberá poner su carta boca arriba en el suelo para que el elfo de la navidad pueda reconvertirlo mandándole un beso.
El juego termina cuando Papa Noel descubre quien es Rudolph o cuando Rudolph ha convertido a todos los renos.

Brush your teeth

Let's learn how to brush our teeth. It´s very funny. Here is the video: Brush your teeth.

Head, shoulders, knees and toes.

Song about body parts.
Head, shoulders, knees and toes.

Ten green bottles and the hokie pokie.

Ten green bottles

The hokey pokey